Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Spiritual Believer and Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding

Co-Editor in Chief Cathy Ferguson

Dear Believers in Jesus the Christ,

The Holy Spirit is guiding me to reveal to the spiritual believers about Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding and the importance of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. The Holy Spirit has taught me that you must have all three in order to experience all the benefits of Wisdom. I was always fascinated by King Solomon; the bible says that he was the wisest man on earth yet he did not end well. The iniquities of his father King David over took him and consumed him; and because of King Solomon's disobedience the kingdom of Israel was split into two kingdoms. The Holy Spirit taught me about King Solomon's walk and how he was seduced by satan through his many foreign wives. King Solomon's wisdom was no defense against the transfer of spirits between him and his many wives through sexual intercourse. satan will come after understanding and knowledge; without these two things wisdom does not have the optimum effect Abba Father Yahweh has decreed for his children. Abba Father Yahweh states clearly in HIS Word that while you are getting wisdom also get knowledge and understanding. You may ask Abba Father Yahweh for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Abba Father Yahweh will send you wisdom, knowledge and understanding through the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual believers walk in the fullness of Abba Father Yahweh's Wisdom by also having knowledge and understanding.

The Spiritual Believer and Never Giving Up

Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ for your prayers. I did not swim this evening. I fasted this morning as part of my first fruits walk. I had a helping of the Words of Lord Jesus the Christ and the Words of Abba Father Yahweh. I praised and worshipped Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Holy Spirit. I ate and drank to the Glory of Abba Father Yahweh. I gave Abba Father Yahweh all the Praise and all the Glory for this victory in my life. All spiritual believers please keep me up in prayer in this area.

Stay tune for more.

Your Sister in Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

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