Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Spiritual Believer and Carelessness

Co-Editor in Chief Cathy Ferguson

Dear Believers in Jesus the Christ,

The Holy Spirit is guiding me to reveal to the spiritual believers about carelessness and the demon of carelessness. The Holy Spirit has taught me about the demon of carelessness. One day I was in Frankfurt Germany catching a flight back to the United States of America; I went to the bathroom and I sat down my bag so hard that a bottle of iced wine that I had in my bag scattered. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "carelessness." The Holy Spirit started to teach me about the spiritual entity called carelessness. The demon of carelessness is one of satan's more effective weapon used against the people of Abba Father Yahweh. You find the demon of carelessness hanging tight with tiredness and fatigue. It is amazing how we as believers accept carelessness in our lives yet it cost us so dearly. Carelessness in the handling of your marriage may cost you your marriage; carelessness on your job may cost you your job; carelessness in your relationships may cost you your relationships; carelessness in taking care of your body may cost you your life; carelessness in taking care of your children may cost you your children; a careless word may cost a young man or woman their lives. The demon of carelessness can cause lots of carnage in believers lives, yet we take it so lightly as if it is something to be accepted. The LORD Abba Father Yahweh, The Lord Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus the Christ says you do not have to accept the demon of carelessness. We as spiritual believers have been blessed by Abba Father Yahweh and because HE has blessed us no demon in hell can possess us, suppress us, or repress us. What Abba Father Yahweh blesses no one can curse.

Spiritual Believers stand up to the demon of carelessness by submitting to Abba Father Yahweh's Holy Word, resisting the demon of carelessness and he must flee. Spiritual Believers say NO more to the demon of carelessness and Take Care of ABBA FATHER YAHWEH's Business.

The Spiritual Believer and Never Giving Up

Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ for your prayers. I swam this evening. I fasted this morning as part of my first fruits walk. I had a helping of the Words of Lord Jesus the Christ and the Words of Abba Father Yahweh. I praised and worshipped Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Holy Spirit. I ate and drank to the Glory of Abba Father Yahweh. I gave Abba Father Yahweh all the Praise and all the Glory for this victory in my life. All spiritual believers please keep me up in prayer in this area.

Stay tune for more.

Your Sister in Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

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