Friday, May 22, 2009

The Spiritual Believer and Relationships

Co-Editor in Chief Cathy Ferguson

Dear Believers in Jesus the Christ,

The Holy Spirit is guiding me to reveal to the spiritual believers about the importance of Relationships. The Holy Spirit has taught me that it is through our relationships, that we prove our love for the only true God Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord Holy Spirit. When the spiritual believer love their enemies; this is the supreme act of perfect love that can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit. Because all our natural instincts, all our flesh, ever cell in our bodies wants to hate our enemies, to hurt our enemies, and eliminate our enemies. So, when we love our enemies, when do good towards our enemies instead of evil we are demonstrating the perfect love the Father Abba Father Yahweh demonstrated to us by sending the most precious person to HIM...HIS only begotten son Jesus the Christ of Nazareth. Once again, Abba Father Yahweh demonstrated perfect love to a people who did not share HIS values...when was the last time you love someone who did not share your values? Abba Father Yahweh demonstrated perfect love to a people who hated HIM...when was the last time you loved someone who hated you? Abba Father Yahweh demonstrated perfect love to a people who was HIS enemy by giving them the most precious gift that HE could give...when was the last time you gave your enemy the most precious gift that you could give?...that is why it take the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT to do this.

Sometimes the perfect love that you demonstrate to a fellow believer or someone who professes to be a believer does not look like love, but it is. Recently, I had to tell someone I love that I could not interface with them again until they got their relationship right with Abba Father Yahweh. I had been talking to this individual for about ten years about going to church. Every time I would ask them about whether or not they found a church home each time they had an excuse. On Easter Sunday evening this individual called me to wish me a Happy Easter. I immediately asked did they go to church. I heard the same story I had been listening to for about 10 years. I knew then that our relationship had to change. I told the individual that I would fellowship with them again once they found a church home. I terminated the conversation. Spiritual believers understand that a lot was at stake. One the salvation of the individual and protection of my spiritual well being. Spiritual believers understand that you cannot have non-believers or people who profess to be believers but do not bear the fruit of that relationship with Jesus the Christ in your inner circle. Jesus the Christ himself had the 25% Club which included Peter, James and John. Also, Jesus the Christ had the 1% Club who was John. Jesus did not bring all the disciples into some miracles such as raising the young girl from the dead, or to the mountain of Transfiguration.

Spiritual Believers must make sure that they are Christ like in handling their relationships. And sometimes spiritual believers have to administer tough love to fellow believers just as the Father Abba Father Yahweh administers tough love to us sometimes.

The Spiritual Believer and Never Giving Up

Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ for your prayers. I did not swim this evening (the pool has been out of commission for a few days; pray that I will be able to swim in it soon). I fasted this morning as part of my first fruits walk. I had a helping of the Words of Lord Jesus the Christ and the Words of Abba Father Yahweh. I praised and worshipped Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Holy Spirit. I ate and drank to the Glory of Abba Father Yahweh. I gave Abba Father Yahweh all the Praise and all the Glory for this victory in my life. All spiritual believers please keep me up in prayer in this area.

Stay tune for more.

Your Sister in Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

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