Friday, September 18, 2009

The Spiritual Believer and HIS Priorities

Editor In Chief Cathy Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

The Holy Spirit wants me to reveal to you about Abba Father Yahweh Priorities. Spiritual believers we are to have Abba Father Yahweh at the center of everything that we do. Spiritual believers if we will place Abba Father Yahweh first in all that we do we will be amazed at how great things will turn out for us. On the other hand whenever we are self-centered we will be amazed at how many things go wrong for us.

Spiritual believers let the Holy Spirit guide you on what should be done first, second and so forth. Spiritual believers don't just look at the 10 percent you give to God in your tithes let HIM have control of a 100% of your finances. Spiritual believers you will be amazed at how far your money will stretch.

Spiritual believers give Abba Father Yahweh first place in all your relationships by giving HIM the Glory in all of your relationships. Give Abba Father Yahweh first place in your marriage, parenting, family affairs, work, and in community affairs. Spiritual believers you will be amazed at how vibrant, passionate, and healthy those relationships will become.

Spiritual believers let Abba Father Yahweh have First Priority in all that you do and you will be pleasantly surprise.

Spiritual Believers and Never Giving Up

Thank you brothers and sisters for your prayers. I continue on my 40 day fast. All is well.

Stay tune for more.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

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