Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Spiritual Believer and Relationships (continued)

Co-Editor in Chief Cathy Ferguson

Dear Believers in Jesus the Christ,

The Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to spiritual believers about Relationships. Spiritual believers as stated earlier it is through our relationships that we prove our love for Abba Father Yahweh. Spiritual believers it is when we love the unlovable is when we are most Christ like. I was driving along the Panhandle of Florida when I saw a man clean cut holding a sign stated that he was homeless and needed food. His sign also stated that he was not a drug addict, not a theft, and that he was a Vietnam Veteran. I immediately said a prayer for him. He was on the opposite side of the street. I made my left turn and as I drove down the street I was compelled to make a U turn and give him some money. I immediately thought of the scripture when Jesus says you fed me when I was hungry.

Spiritual believers we must relate to everyone as if they were our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.

The Spiritual Believer and Never Giving Up

Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ for your prayers. I fasted this morning as part of my first fruits walk. I had a helping of the Words of Lord Jesus the Christ and the Words of Abba Father Yahweh. I praised and worshipped Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Holy Spirit. I ate and drank to the Glory of Abba Father Yahweh. I gave Abba Father Yahweh all the Praise and all the Glory for this victory in my life. All spiritual believers please keep me up in prayer in this area.

Stay tune for more.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith Davis

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