Thursday, June 18, 2009

Spiritual Believer and Spiritual Warfare

Co-Editor in Chief Cathy Ferguson

Dear Believers in Jesus the Christ,

The Holy Spirit is guiding me to reveal to the spiritual believers about Spiritual Warfare. The Holy Spirit wants spiritual believers to understand some fundamentals about spiritual warfare. The first thing to understand is that spiritual believers are high targets for the kingdom of darkness. Carnal believers are little to know threat to the kingdom of darkness, but spiritual believers who are totally connected to the Vine, Jesus the Christ, the Lord Holy Spirit and the LORD Abba Father Yahweh are an unbeatable adversary for the kingdom of darkness. Abba Father Yahweh spends lots of time and spiritual capital to prepare us to be the spiritual warriors to fight the prince of darkness aka satan. Spiritual believers must be walking in all the spiritual knowledge that the Holy Spirit has given them. Spiritual believers should keep themselves immersed in the Holy Word. Spiritual believers must live a fasted and prayerful life. Spiritual believers must have no time for being offended. Spiritual believers should walk in perpetual forgiveness. Spiritual believers are humble because they truly know that they can do nothing without Abba Father Yahweh. Spiritual believers are not about debasing themselves. Spiritual believers do not think about themselves at all, because it is all about the Kingdom of God and being in the strategic place at the strategic time that Abba Father Yahweh has ordained for them. Spiritual believers are about maximizing the present.

I was watching Ku Fu Panda with my daughter the other night and something struck my spirit. The wise old turtle was talking to the panda after a major defeat in his life. The wise old turtle said: to go or stay is not really the issue; you are focused on the wrong thing the past is history, the future is a mystery and the today is a gift that is why it is called the present. A few months ago my mothers youngest sister died after 1 month in the hospital. I prayed for her; however Abba Father Yahweh took her to be with HIM in the Kingdom of Heaven. I had learned sometime ago that when major life events happen to me like this that I would soon experience a major transition. Early Sunday morning the day after the funeral, my disciple and my cousin who is a pastor had a visitation from the Holy Spirit. We learned a major spiritual principle that Saturday night and that was to let Abba Father Yahweh fight all of our battles because Abba Father Yahweh always wins.

Spiritual Warfare Principles

1. Let Abba Father Yahweh fight your battles.
Abba Father Yahweh always wins so you will always win.

2. Keep your Atmosphere Filled with Faith.
Abba Father Yahweh operates in faith fill environments. satan operates in fear filled environments.

3. satan never plays fair; so recognized that satan will use anybody and anything to try to take you out. satan objective is to penetrate your spirit. Your spirit is what communes with Abba Father Yahweh. Learn how the spirit, the soul, and the body should operate under the complete control of the Holy Spirit. Watchman Nee the author of "Spiritual Man" is a good book to study.

4. Make sure you check in with Abba Father Yahweh first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Spiritual believers should get their game plan for the day.

5. Spiritual Believers must live a Fasted and Prayerful Life.
Some demons can only be taken out with fasting and praying.

6. Spiritual Believers must keep on the Full Armor of God and walk in the Fruit of the Spirit. Spiritual believers do not need anything for their backs; Abba Father Yahweh has their backs as well as their fellow spiritual believers.

7. Spiritual Believers must have the Gift of Discernment.
It is essential to have the gift of discernment so that you may not be deceived by the kingdom of darkness. Spiritual believers must understand that satan can come disguised as an angle of light.
8. Spiritual Believers understand that Abba Father Yahweh has sent Hosts of Angles to assistant them in their spiritual warfare. Angles obey the commands of Abba Father Yahweh and HIS Holy Word. It is imperative that your spirit is connected to the Holy Spirit.

The Spiritual Believer and Never Giving Up

Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ for your prayers. I walked today. I fasted this morning as part of my first fruits walk. I had a helping of the Words of Lord Jesus the Christ and the Words of Abba Father Yahweh. I praised and worshipped Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Holy Spirit. I ate and drank to the Glory of Abba Father Yahweh. I gave Abba Father Yahweh all the Praise and all the Glory for this victory in my life. All spiritual believers please keep me up in prayer in this area.

Stay tune for more.

Your Sister in Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

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