Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Spiritual Believer and WWJD versus WDJS

Editor In Chief Cathy Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

The Holy Spirit would like for me to give you THEIR perspective on WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) versus WDJS (What Did Jesus Say). Spiritual believers the Lord Holy Spirit, the LORD Abba Father Yahweh and our Lord Jesus the Christ communicates to me through HIS Holy Word, to my spirit, my dreams, my visions, and in one occasion I had a Moses experience where Abba Father Yahweh spoke to me audibly. A few months ago I had a dream where I saw my Holy Bible and a book I began reading when I went on my first 40 day fast for this year. The second book that appeared in my dream was "The Greatest Words Ever Spoken" by Steven K. Scott. The Greatest Words Ever Spoken to Jesus Followers - What Jesus said to Those Who Believe in Him was the most prolific out of all the chapters. The Holy Spirit opened my spiritual eyes when I read this chapter for the second time and this is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me.

"Several years ago a string of four letters took the Christian community by storm. It seemed like WWJD, which stands for "What Would Jesus Do?" was everywhere - and why not? When a choice has to be made, is any other question more important to ask?

The answer is Yes, one question is more important. One question Christians should ask before choosing any course of action, making any spiritual decision, or adopting any value or belief. That question is "WDJS: What Did Jesus Say?" This is the question Christians need to ask because in many situations we simply cannot know for sure what Jesus would do, so we are left to figure it out for ourselves. And figuring it out may require more Wisdom, Revelation, Insight, and Spiritual Maturity than we possess at the time.

On the other hand, Jesus made incredible promises to Christians who would learn His Words and use those Words to guide their decisions, actions, and beliefs. Remember His promise in John 8:31-32: "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Jesus offers three promises that no one else in history could make and deliver on: the promise that you will become one of His intimate followers, the promise that you will discover and know perfect and eternal truth, and the promise that you will be liberated from the most powerful force that enslaves your heart and mind. Jesus promised that if you abide in His Word, you will be freed from your self-centered nature and will enjoy the freedom, peace, power, and joy that comes from intimacy with Jesus the Christ." "The Greatest Words Ever Spoken" by Steven K. Scott.

So, spiritual believers before we do What Jesus Would Do; we need to know What Jesus Said because some situations will not be so clear on What Jesus Would Do. Spiritual believers saturate your mind with the Words of our Lord Jesus the Christ and our Lord Abba Father Yahweh and you will have the MIND of Christ and then you will be able to do What Jesus Would Do.

Spiritual believers know What Jesus Said so you can Do What Jesus Would Do.

Spiritual Believers and Never Giving Up

Thank you brothers and sisters for your prayers. I continue on my 40 day fast. All is well.

Stay tuned for more.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

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