Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Spiritual Believer and The Gift

Editor In Chief Cathy Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

The Holy Spirit wants me to reveal to you The Gift. Spiritual believers we all know that our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ was a Gift from Abba Father Yahweh. But did you know that you and I are Gifts. Yes, Spiritual believers we are Gifts to all those who Abba Father Yahweh permits to enter our sphere of influence. I am a servant to the one and only true God Abba Father Yahweh. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that if people do not appreciate HIS Gifts that He will remove HIS Gifts.

Spiritual believers many times we take the kindness of people for granted. Spiritual believers sometimes due to our self centeredness and selfishness we take God's Gifts for granted and Abba Father Yahweh removes those Gifts. Spiritual believers if we are fortunate enough we will appreciate the Gifts that Abba Father Yahweh gives us. And if we appreciate God's Gifts we may get to have those wonderful Gifts in our lives for a long time.

Spiritual believers being a Gift to people may not always be comfortable for us because people take us for granted, but I can testify that if you do not get weary in doing good you will be rewarded. Spiritual believers Abba Father Yahweh has a promise land for HIS Gifts. Spiritual believers Abba Father Yahweh has a Garden of Eden for HIS Gifts. Abba Father Yahweh will turn our deserts into a Garden of Edens and all those people who did not appreciate HIS Gifts will have their Garden of Edens turn into deserts.

Spiritual believers be faithful to the one and only living God Abba Father Yahweh and you will receive your reward and HE will put you with people who will appreciate you. Abba Father Yahweh will put you with people who recognize you as a gift from the one and only true God Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers do not get weary in doing good. Spiritual believers continue to do good and do it unto the Father for HE loves you and HE appreciates you. Spiritual believers you are HIS Gift to mankind.

Spiritual Believers and Never Giving Up

Thank you brothers and sisters for your prayers. I continue on my 40 day fast. All is well.

Stay tuned for more.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

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