Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Spiritual Believer and God's Economy

Editor In Chief Cathy Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about God's Economy. Spiritual believers, we must understand that we do not operate in man's economy we operate in Abba Father Yahweh's Economy and Abba Father Yahweh's currency is Faith.

Spiritual believers, I had an opportunity to observe three Faith Walkers. Spiritual believers, each one of these Faith Walkers decided to be totally dependent on Abba Father Yahweh to provide for them. Spiritual believers, in each case they lack for nothing. I suspect when you measure them up to people who take the conventional walk of life they will do far better.

Spiritual believers, we are about to embark on some very different economic times and you need to make sure you are operating in Abba Father Yahweh's Economy and not man's economy. Spiritual believers, you cannot be luke warm with one foot in man's economy and one foot in God's Economy.

Spiritual believers, you need to make sure you are tithing or giving more than 10% of your income to the Kingdom of Abba Father Yahweh. Spiritual believers, you need to make sure you are giving your offerings, and if your Faith can handle it First Fruit Offerings.

Spiritual believers, you need to make sure the LORD Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Holy Spirit have first place in your time, your thoughts, your talk and your walk. Spiritual believers, what is going on in your heart is more important than what is going on the outside of you.

Spiritual believers, make sure your currency is Faith and you operate in Abba Father Yahweh's Economy.

Spiritual Believers and Never Giving Up

I am fasting for the New Year.

Stay tuned for more.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

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