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Co-Editors In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson
and Marianne Hernandez
Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,
Spiritual believers the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you on How To Use Your Power Tools. Spiritual believers a great leader of the Kingdom of God Marilyn Hickey coined the phrase "Gift Wrapped Fruits". Spiritual believers it is your "Gift Wrapped Fruits" that will become your Power Tools that will be used to Bring Heaven onto Earth and Defeat the Kingdom of Darkness. Spiritual believers the Gifts of the Spirit are as follows, but remember Jesus knows you by your Fruits.
The Gifts of the Spirit as explained by John Paul Jackson are:
Word of Wisdom: Is where the Holy Spirit gives insight and answers from the throne of God to perplexing situations and circumstances satan tries to snare you or another person with.
Word of Knowledge: Encourages a person that God knows them as well as all they have gone through and will help them become everything HE created them to be.
Prophecy: Reveals what God wants you to do in the future. Also reveals the plans of evil so you can stop or avoid those traps.
Discerning of Spirits: Reveals the source of the spirit that is causing something to happen-whether it is from God or from the evil one.
Gifts of Healing: Destroys the illness, disease, infirmity, or affliction brought by satan and releases the person to become what God created them to be.
Gifts of Miracles: Regenerates or recreates the original created order what the evil one has tried to destroy.
Gifts of Faith: It sees how God's plans supersede the plans of satan. It is more than the general measure of faith given by God. It is a supernatural declaration of something that will come into being. It is brought about by a divine combination of Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, and Revelation that allow a reality of what God will do before it comes into being.
Gifts of Tongues: Glorify God and strengthen the spirit of the one who speaks, thus implementing the will of God over the will of satan.
Gifts of Interpretation of Tongues: Strengthens those who hear, brings Glory to God, and also implements the will of God over the will of satan.
Spiritual believers in order to fully operate in these Gifts you must also walk in the Fruits of the Spirit and it is the Fruits of the Spirit that enable Jesus to identify His Disciples. The Fruits of the Spirit are as follows:
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Meekness, Humility, Self Control against such there is no Law.
Spiritual believers the reason why Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh gives us these Power Tools is for us to Subdue the Earth and bring Heaven to Earth. Spiritual believers there is no Sickness nor Disease in Heaven, Spiritual believers there is no Lack or Poverty in Heaven. Spiritual believes there are no Cruses or Evil of any kind in Heaven and this is what Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh wants on Earth.
Spiritual believers now we must understand the difference there is between Power and Authority. God Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Jesus the Christ and Lord God Holy Spirit have All Power. But when God Abba Father Yahweh created the Earth HE gave All Authority to Mankind, therefore when satan tricked Adam and Eve into giving up their Authority God could not start over with a new Man and Woman because the Dirt HE created
Adam from was no longer under HIS Authority.
Spiritual believers this is why Jesus had to come as a Man to reclaim the Earth because All Authority was given unto Mankind. Spiritual believers once Jesus paid the price for Sin on this Earth than He was able to reclaim All Authority of the Earth back from satan and gave it to his Bride the Holy Church. Spiritual believers it is through the Gifts and the Fruits of the Spirit that we are able to over throw satan and Reclaim the Authority and Power God Abba Father Yahweh has given us.
Spiritual believers the only reason why you do not have Sickness, Disease, Lack, Poverty, Divorce, and Every Evil know to Mankind under your feet is because of Lack of Knowledge of Who you are and Whose you are. Jesus did everything on this Earth including raising the dead as a Man under the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Spiritual believers now you must understand another Truth and that is You can have Authority and no Power and You can have Power but no Authority. Spiritual believers the way to have Authority and Power is by being born again by the Blood of Jesus the Christ and being obedient to God's Holy Word. Spiritual believers it is the Holy Spirit that gives you Power and the Holy Spirit is not going to give HIS POWER to those who do not Respect or Honor HIS Holy Word.
Spiritual believers Use Your Power Tools and Bring Heaven onto Earth.
Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00 for shipping within the United States of America. If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.
Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.
Please send all inquiries to Dr. Edith Davis
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314
Roman 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Spiritual believers, please pray that your heart is good ground so that you may receive this revelation. Spiritual believers, if you wish for me to come to a group meeting to explain this further please leave your contact information and your request on my answering phone(816) 678-6838 USA Tallahassee, Florida).
I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
Dr. Edith G. Davis
Enter the Glory Zone
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275
Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.
Today Is Resurrection Friday For Me.
Your Sister In Christ Jesus,
Dr. Edith G. Davis