Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Spiritual Believer and A Secret About Firemen, Hazmat Specialists, and Bomb Squad Specialists

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A Secret About Firemen, Hazmat Specialists, and Bomb Squad Specialists

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson And
Marianne Hernandez

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

In 2010 the Holy Spirit gave me this Word while talking with a fellow Spiritual Christian the Holy Spirit brought this Word up in my Memory.  Spiritual believers the Church is like a Hospital and many who come to the Church are Wounded, Hurting, and Spiritually Disabled.  The members of the Body of Christ the Church must be trained by the Holy Spirit to minister to these individuals so that they can be made Whole and in turn they will minister to the Walking Wounded, the Hurting, and Spiritual Disable.

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Firemen, Hazmat Specialists, and Bomb Squads Specialists. Spiritual believers, there are many roles in the Body of Christ. Spiritual believers, some of us have the role of Firemen, Hazmat Specialists, and Bomb Squad Specialists.

Spiritual believers, the members of the Body of Christ that have these roles are especially trained for some of the most hazardous situations that we will find in the Body of Christ as well as the World. Abba Father Yahweh strategically places these individuals in roles such as teachers, social workers, counselors, doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and more.

Spiritual believers, the Spiritual Firemen are needed when peoples lives are going up in smoke. Spiritual believers, Baby Christians should not enter in when people spiritual houses are on Fire; because they too may get burned. Spiritual believers, the Spiritual Firemen have the healing and living waters of the Holy Spirit at their disposal. Spiritual believers, they also know the correct pressure the water needs to be at in order to get the optimum effect.

Spiritual believers, the Spiritual Hazmat Specialists are needed when you are dealing with toxic people. Spiritual believers, these individuals poison everything they touch. Spiritual believers, these individuals need to be handled with extreme care due to their acidic nature. Spiritual believers, they can cause sever harm to Baby Christians. Spiritual believers, the Spiritual Hazmat worker knows what to wear as well as how to wear the proper Hazmat suits for each type of toxic environment. The Holy Spirit has trained them on how to enter a hazardous environment as well as how to bring themselves and the toxic individuals out alive.

Spiritual believers, the Spiritual Bomb Squad Specialists are highly trained for the most dangerous individuals those who are spiritual time bombs. Spiritual believers, these individuals have been trained by the Holy Spirit to defuse these individuals so that they will not blow themselves up or others. Spiritual believers, great care of these individuals is essential for the survival of them and all that they love. Spiritual believers, Baby Christans should never approach these assignments until they are trained by the Holy Spirit. Spiritual believers, if they try to address such a problem they may cause the situation to degrade even more rapidly; which will cause more harm to the individuals as well as themselves.

Spiritual believers, the Intercessor Prayer Warriors are essential in addressing each of these situations. Spiritual believers, no spiritual breakthrough can happen without them. Spiritual believers, be prepared if the Holy Spirit starts training you to be a Spiritual Fireman, Hazmat Specialist, or Bomb Squad Specialist; because all are needed in the Body of Christ.

Spiritual believers, learn your Roles well.

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about The Firemen, The Hazmat Specialists, and The Bomb Squad Specialists. Spiritual believers you may have areas in your life that may need the attention of a Fireman, a Hazmat Specialist, or a Bomb Squad Specialist.

Spiritual believers you may have areas in your life that are on Fire such as your marriage, your fiances, or your health. Spiritual believers these areas may be on Fire do to sin, neglect, or bad habits. Spiritual believers when you recognize that parts of your life is on Fire you should ask the Holy Spirit to send the Fireman to put the flames out. Spiritual believers the Holy Spirit is Faithful and He will send the Fireman.

Spiritual believers you have some relationships that are Toxic to your Spiritual and Physical Health. Spiritual believers the first relationship you need to look at is your relationship to yourself. Spiritual believers you need to look at your eating habits, viewing and listening habits, your spending habits etc. Spiritual believers view these areas with the bright light of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual believers you now need to look at the people that are closest to you. Spiritual believers make sure that the advice they are giving you is sound Godly Advice. Spiritual believers make sure that all your relationships are balanced and healthy if not ask the Holy Spirit to fix it by sending the Hazmat Specialist.

Spiritual believers you may have areas in your life that are Ticking Time Bombs. Spiritual believers Abba Father Yahweh have showed me how people close to me have bad ends because of disobedience in areas in their lives such as eating habits, drinking habits, gambling habits, sexual habits, viewing habits, etc. Spiritual believers any area of your life that you do not surrender to the Holy Spirit for cleansing and guidance will eventually become a Ticking Time Bomb. Spiritual believers ask help from the Holy Spirit and He will send the Bomb Squad Specialist.

Spiritual believers examine your lives with the bright cleansing light of the Holy Spirit and be Well.

Roman 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The Power of Praise!

Image result for giving thanks pictures
Remember There Is Power In A Thank You
Spiritual believers, please pray that your heart is good ground so that you may receive this revelation. Spiritual believers, if you wish for me to come to a group meeting to explain this further please leave your contact information and your request on my answering phone(816) 678-6838 USA Tallahassee, Florida).

Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00  for shipping within the United States of America.  If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.  Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.

Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
 Dr. Edith Davis
 P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. 

Where have I been?

 Hello Everyone,
Please celebrate with me my new book "How We Really Learn:  The Micro-Spiral Methodology"  Many of you were instrumental in helping me write this major work of my life.  And many of you have been acknowledged in my book.  I have now over 10 years of work proving that the Micro-Spiral Methodology does increase science achievement in students based on Dr. Hilda Taba's Spiral Curriculum work.  As a matter of fact, it increases achievement in any subject matter.
Dr. Caroline Leaf of South Africa, a rising star in neuroscience has endorsed my book.  My book can be found on the link below.  Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Here is the bookstore page link for you. 

Thanks To Each And Everyone One of You.
Dr. Edith G. Davis (Edith)
Today Is Resurrection Tuesday For Me

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Spiritual Believers and A Secret About Money, Riches, and Wealth

Image result for money riches and wealth
A Secret About Money, Riches, and Wealth

Co-Editors In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson
and Marianne Hernandez

Dear Spiritual Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like to reveal to you A Secret About Money, Riches, and Wealth. Spiritual believers Money, Riches and Wealth is a part of the Blessings Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh has ordained for us to Receive as long as we do not see Money, Riches and Wealth as our Source.  Spiritual Believers we need to use Money, Riches and Wealth as a tool for the Kingdom of God Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers Money is the currency used to purchase Goods and Services in the World.  Riches are Assets, Liquid Assets, and MoneyWealth is a great Quantity of Money, Valuable Possessions, Property, or other Riches.  Wealth can become Generational Wealth.

Spiritual believers Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Empowers you to Acquire Money, Riches and Wealth for HIS Kingdom's Agenda.  And as long as you can be Trusted to be a Conduit of Blessings to Others Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh will flow HIS UNLIMITED Source of Money, Riches and Wealth through you.

Spiritual believers A Secret About Money, Riches, and Wealth is this:  Money Given to the Past such as Debts Depreciates (Decreases In Value).  Money Spent on the Present is Consumed.  Money Given to the Future in Investments Appreciates (Increases in Value). And Money Given to the Kingdom of God Increases Supernaturally.  Money Given to God Abba Father Yahweh will be "Given Back Press Down, Shaken together and Running Over, will be Poured into your Lap".  Spiritual believers when it is Pressed Down All Voids in your Life are Eliminated.

Spiritual believers when you Give to God Abba Father Yahweh FIRST in FAITH  IT IS THE KEY To Open up the LOCK to the Kingdom of Heaven Supernatural Multiplication.  Spiritual believers this is the Key Elijah's Widow Woman Used in the Multiplication of her Meal and Oil during the Famine as well as the Drought.  The Widow Woman placed God Abba Father Yahweh's Word to her to Feed the Prophet Elijah over Eating the Last Drop of Food before her and her Sons Died.

Spiritual believers this is the Supernatural Key to the Kingdom of Heaven that Job used after satan almost totally destroyed him.  Job still would Not Renounce His God and said "Thou HE Slay me, Yet will I Hope In HIM". Soon after this Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Gave him back Double the Money, Riches and Wealth that Job Lost.  God Abba Father Yahweh also doubled the children and his daughters were considered the Most Beautiful in the Land. 

Spiritual believers this is the Supernatural Key to the Kingdom of Heaven that Ruth used and Oprah Fortified.  Ruth Choose the God of Naomi over the gods of her land and God Blessed her with a Marriage to the Riches Man in the Land Boaz
Spiritual believers Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Provides for every Vision HE Gives HIS People. Spiritual believers Money, Riches and Wealth needs to stay under the Lordship of Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Jesus the Christ, and Lord God Holy Spirit.  Spiritual believers when you give your Tithes and Offerings you have Moved your Money, Riches and Wealth from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light.

Spiritual believers Money can be used as a Seed to Sow into the Kingdom of God and when you Sow Money in FAITH it will open the doors for Riches as well as Wealth.  Spiritual believers when you walk in Tithes and Offerings you will start seeing Supernatural Increase In your Money, Riches, and Wealth.  The Holy Tithes and Offering can open the Windows of Heaven and Pour out Blessings So Great that there will not be Room enough to Receive it All.

Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh has something called the Anointing which Empowers you to Prosper.  satan uses Money as his anointing of his people, but satan's Money brings Sorrow with it, therefore it is critical that believers do not Worship Money, Riches, and Wealth.  Spiritual believers we only Worship God Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Christ Jesus, and Lord God Holy Spirit.  Spiritual believers God Abba Father Yahweh is our Only Source.  Spiritual believers Money, Riches and Wealth are only Tools to be used to help People.   

Spiritual believers Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and HIS Righteousness and ALL Other Things Including Money, Riches and Wealth will be Added To You.
Roman 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The Power of Praise!

Image result for giving thanks pictures
Remember There Is Power In A Thank You
Spiritual believers, please pray that your heart is good ground so that you may receive this revelation. Spiritual believers, if you wish for me to come to a group meeting to explain this further please leave your contact information and your request on my answering phone(816) 678-6838 USA Tallahassee, Florida).

Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00  for shipping within the United States of America.  If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.  Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.

Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
 Dr. Edith Davis
 P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. 

Where have I been?

 Hello Everyone,
Please celebrate with me my new book "How We Really Learn:  The Micro-Spiral Methodology"  Many of you were instrumental in helping me write this major work of my life.  And many of you have been acknowledged in my book.  I have now over 10 years of work proving that the Micro-Spiral Methodology does increase science achievement in students based on Dr. Hilda Taba's Spiral Curriculum work.  As a matter of fact, it increases achievement in any subject matter.
Dr. Caroline Leaf of South Africa, a rising star in neuroscience has endorsed my book.  My book can be found on the link below.  Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Here is the bookstore page link for you. 

Thanks To Each And Everyone One of You.
Dr. Edith G. Davis (Edith)
Today Is Resurrection Tuesday For Me

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Spiritual Believer and A Secret About the Kingdom of Heaven

Image result for heaven
A Secret About the Kingdom of Heaven
Co-Editors In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson
and Marianne Hernandez

Dear Spiritual Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like to reveal to you A Secret About The Kingdom of Heaven.  Spiritual believers many of us do not understand the difference between Heaven, the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Kingdom of God.  So let us get this understanding so that we may Receive a Secret About the Kingdom of Heaven.

Spiritual believers Heaven is a Place.  Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh lives in the Third Heaven.  The Second Heaven is a battle field where Angels and Demons fight over Mankind. The First Heaven is where the Nebulas, Galaxies, Solar SystemsStars, Planets, and Moons resides.

Spiritual believers the Kingdom of Heaven Represents the Influence of God Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Christ Jesus, and Lord God Holy Spirit on this Earth.  The Kingdom of Heaven is taking The Culture of Heaven, The Ways of Heaven, The Words of Heaven, The Principals of Heaven, and The Heavenly Colonization of the Earth for God Abba Father Yahweh.  

Spiritual believers the Kingdom of God is the Identification of WHO OWNS the Kingdom.

Now The Secret of the Kingdom of Heaven IS That There Are KEYS To Heaven.  Spiritual believers Jesus Came to Earth to Die for our Sins, to Redeem us from the Cruse in this Earth, to Introduce us to the Real God Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh, To Restore us Back to Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh and HIS KINGDOM, and to Give us the KEYS to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Spiritual believers Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Created the HEAVENS and the EARTH.  Heaven is the Eternal Invisible Realm of God and Earth was to be the Visible Representation of Heaven.  Heaven and Earth were to operate together in Unison. But satan came on the scene and interjected his kingdom into the Earth. satan's kingdom is PrideSin, Death, Sickness, Disease, Lack, PovertyEvil in Every Dimension, and Every Evil Work on this Earth.

So JESUS came to the Earth to give His Rulers of this Earth, His Governors of this Earth, The Holy Church the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven so that we can bring Heaven on Earth.  Church is a Roman term meaning Governors. Spiritual believers Jesus only mentions the Church One Time, but Jesus spent most of His time teaching His Disciples about the Kingdom of Heaven.  Therefore we should put a Priority to Learn about the Kingdom of Heaven and how we can bring Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh's Kingdom to this Earth.

The first step to Receiving the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven is to Believe that Jesus the Christ Died for your Sins and He Rose from the Dead so that you can have Eternal Life with Him, The Father, and The Holy Spirit. Once you are born again than you are able to Receive Revelation Knowledge from Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh, which are the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

satan also understands about the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.  satan has taught his people to tithe to him, to give to him, to have foundations and to have other operations where the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven work.  Spiritual believers the Lock does not care if you are Saved or not Saved the Lock only cares that you have the Key.  That is why you see many people belonging to satan having money but their money has sorrow attached to it.

Spiritual believers the next step to Receiving the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven is to be a Tither and a Giver to the Kingdom of God.  Spiritual believers the Tithes and Offerings are one of the Spiritual Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.  The Tithes and Offerings are Bigger than Money.  The Tithes and Offerings opens the Lock to the Kingdom of Heaven and you can have Heaven on Earth.  What does it mean to have Heaven on Earth?  It Means no more Sickness, no more Disease, no more Lack, no more Poverty, no more Divorce, no more Barren Wombs, no more Cruse, no more Death and no more Evil Works of Any Kind

Spiritual believers Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and HIS Righteousness and ALL Other Things will be Added To You. Spiritual believers Learn About the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and Walk in the Blessings of Abraham. 
Roman 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The Power of Praise!

Image result for giving thanks pictures
Remember There Is Power In A Thank You
Spiritual believers, please pray that your heart is good ground so that you may receive this revelation. Spiritual believers, if you wish for me to come to a group meeting to explain this further please leave your contact information and your request on my answering phone(816) 678-6838 USA Tallahassee, Florida).

Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00  for shipping within the United States of America.  If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.  Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.

Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
 Dr. Edith Davis
 P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. 

Where have I been?

 Hello Everyone,
Please celebrate with me my new book "How We Really Learn:  The Micro-Spiral Methodology"  Many of you were instrumental in helping me write this major work of my life.  And many of you have been acknowledged in my book.  I have now over 10 years of work proving that the Micro-Spiral Methodology does increase science achievement in students based on Dr. Hilda Taba's Spiral Curriculum work.  As a matter of fact, it increases achievement in any subject matter.
Dr. Caroline Leaf of South Africa, a rising star in neuroscience has endorsed my book.  My book can be found on the link below.  Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Here is the bookstore page link for you. 

Thanks To Each And Everyone One of You.
Dr. Edith G. Davis (Edith)
Today Is Resurrection Wednesday For Me

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Spiritual Believer and A Secret To Becoming FEARLESS II

Image result for FEARLESS God
A Secret To Becoming FEARLESS II

Co-Editors In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson
and Marianne Hernandez 

Dear Spiritual Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like to reveal to you A Secret To Becoming FEARLESS Part II.  Spiritual believers it is important that we become FEARLESS in Representing God Abba Father Yahweh and HIS Kingdom because the first peoples that are thrown into the Lake of Fire are the FEARFUL.  Also satan's number one weapon used against Mankind is FEAR. When we become FEARLESS we are able to operate at the Optimal Level of Supernatural POWER for the Kingdom of God.

Spiritual believers understanding the True Nature of Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh is one of the Keys to Becoming FEARLESS. HIS NATURE is that HE is A Good God, HE is A Loving God, HE is A Just God, and HE is A Merciful God.  Spiritual believers we must understand our True Nature and that is We Are The Righteous of God in Christ Jesus.  What this means is that our spirit man or spirit woman is made in the exact image of our Savior Christ Jesus.  When God Abba Father Yahweh looks at our spirit HE see HIS Son Christ Jesus Spirit.

Spiritual believers we must understand that our spirit is different from our Soul which is our Mind, our Will and our Emotions as well as our Body.  Spiritual believers this is why people get confused when they see people that are saved by our Lord God Christ Jesus and they still have the behavior of the old man and woman, the old Sin Nature.  Spiritual believers these individuals are called Carnal Christians.  Carnal Christians are saved and are going to Heaven, but they will not have Heaven on Earth.  

These Carnal Christians in most cases will not Walk in the Authority of God Abba Father Yahweh, nor will they Walk in Signs and Wonders.  Spiritual believers in order to walk in the Power and Authority of God Abba Father Yahweh you must Submit in Obedience to God's Holy Word.  Spiritual believers Power and Authority comes through Obedience to the Only True and Living God Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Christ Jesus, and Lord God Holy Spirit.

Spiritual believers when you Sin FEAR will come.  When you walk in a Sinful Life Style you will be FEARFUL.  When  FEAR comes upon you Examine what you are Watching on Television, Examine what you are Listening to on Radio and other Devices, Examine what you are Thinking about you should have the Thoughts of God, which is HIS Holy Word, and Examine what you have been Talking About, you should have no Corrupt Communications. Spiritual believers when you Submit to and Obey God Abba Father Yahweh's Holy Word you will be FEARLESS

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and Daniel Submitted themselves to Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh and Obeyed HIS Holy Word and they were FEARLESS.   Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to Worship the Golden Statue of King Nebuchadnezzar even if it meant the penalty was Death in a Fiery Furnace.  Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Supernaturally Recused them.  King Nebuchadnezzar ordered the Furnace to be heated up 7 times hotter and the men who threw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the Fiery Furnace were killed by the leaping flames from the Furnace.  

Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Supernaturally Protected Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Fiery Furnace than King Nebuchadnezzar looked into the Fiery Furnace then saw that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were walking in the Fiery Furnace unharmed. King Nebuchadnezzar saw a fourth Man who looked like the SUN in the Fiery Furnace with them.  

King Nebuchadnezzar ordered them to come out.  They did and not even the smell of SMOKE was on them.  The only thing the Fire burned were the Ropes that bound their Hands and Feet. King Nebuchadnezzar commanded that all people Worship Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's God Abba Father Yahweh.  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were FEARLESS because they Submitted themselves to the one and only True God Abba Father Yahweh. They Obeyed God Abba Father Yahweh's Holy Word.

Spiritual believers Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Supernaturally Rescued Daniel from the Lions in the Lion's Den.  Evil and Jealous men came up with a plan to trap Daniel through is Relationship with his God Abba Father Yahweh.  These men knew that Daniel Worshiped his God Abba Father Yahweh three times a day and so they tricked King Darius in to writing a decree that no man could Worship any other God for 30 days and those who did were put to death by being throw in the Lion's Den.  Daniel did not waiver in his Faith and went to the window pointing East to Jerusalem and Worshiped his God Abba Father Yahweh.

The wicked men than had him thrown into the Lion's Den and King Darius was anger because he was tricked into hurting his Friend and most Trusted Advisor.  King Darius could not sleep during the night and in the morning ran to the Lion's Den and asked Daniel "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?". 

Daniel answered, "May the King live forever! My God sent HIS Angel, and the Angle shut the Mouths of the Lions. They have not hurt me"  And those wicked men, their wives and their children were thrown into the Lion's Den they were eaten before they hit the ground.  Daniel was FEARLESS because he Obeyed and Submitted his life to Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers in order to BECOME FEARLESS we must also Increase our Capacity to Receive from God Abba Father Yahweh.  We increase our Capacity to Receive by Hearing and Hearing the Word of God.  By Hearing the Testimonies of the Saints of God Abba Father Yahweh.  By forgetting our past that weighs us down because our Lord God Christ Jesus Blood paid for all of our Sins Past, Present and Future.  

By Blessing others, when God Abba Father Yahweh Blesses us.   We must pass God's Blessings on to others.  The more Faithful we are in Giving the More God Abba Father Yahweh can Trust us with HIS Blessings, with HIS Riches, with HIS Wealth, with HIS Health with HIS Peace, with HIS FAITH, with HIS Mercy, and with HIS Grace

Spiritual believers Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh does not want us to be Reservoirs of Selfishness, but Conduits of Blessings to others.  God Abba Father Yahweh is LIMITLESS and we can be LIMITLESS Vessels of HIS Blessings and GRACE. WE are to be FEARLESS. 

Spiritual believers Believe and TRUST Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh BE FEARLESS

Roman 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The Power of Praise!

Image result for giving thanks pictures
Remember There Is Power In A Thank You
Spiritual believers, please pray that your heart is good ground so that you may receive this revelation. Spiritual believers, if you wish for me to come to a group meeting to explain this further please leave your contact information and your request on my answering phone(816) 678-6838 USA Tallahassee, Florida).

Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00  for shipping within the United States of America.  If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.  Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.

Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
 Dr. Edith Davis
 P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. 

Where have I been?

 Hello Everyone,
Please celebrate with me my new book "How We Really Learn:  The Micro-Spiral Methodology"  Many of you were instrumental in helping me write this major work of my life.  And many of you have been acknowledged in my book.  I have now over 10 years of work proving that the Micro-Spiral Methodology does increase science achievement in students based on Dr. Hilda Taba's Spiral Curriculum work.  As a matter of fact, it increases achievement in any subject matter.
Dr. Caroline Leaf of South Africa, a rising star in neuroscience has endorsed my book.  My book can be found on the link below.  Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Here is the bookstore page link for you. 

Thanks To Each And Everyone One of You.
Dr. Edith G. Davis (Edith)
Today Is Resurrection Wednesday For Me

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Spiritual Believer and A Secret to Becoming FEARLESS

Image result for FEARLESS IN Christ Jesus
A Secret to Becoming FEARLESS

Co-Editors In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson
and Marianne Hernandez 

Dear Spiritual Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual Believers, the Holy Spirit would like to reveal to you A Secret To Becoming FEARLESS.  Spiritual believers it is important that we become FEARLESS for the Kingdom of God Abba Father Yahweh because the first peoples that are thrown into the Lake of Fire are the FEARFUL.  Also satan's number one weapon used against Mankind is FEAR. When we become FEARLESS we are able to operate at the Optimal Level of Supernatural POWER for the Kingdom of God.

One of steps to becoming FEARLESS is to know the FATHER Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh.  We should know that Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Loves Us. We should know that Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh will Protect Us.  We should know that Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh will Provide for Us.  We should know that Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh will never Leave Us Nor Forsake Us.  We should know that Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh above ALL Things wishes that We Prosper and Be In Good Health.  And Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh has a Good Plan for Each and Everyone of Us.

Spiritual believers this World System bombards us all day long with Messages that can cause us to be FEARFUL because satan cannot do anything to us unless we provide the Atmosphere of FEAR in our lives.  Is it not interesting that the first people thrown in the Lake of Fire are the FEARFUL not the Murderer, not the Adulterer, not the Liar, not the Robber, not the Fornicator and the other Sinners.  The reason why the FEARFUL are first because it is out of this SIN that all other sins are produced.  Spiritual believers when we are FEARFUL we are basically saying we trust satan more that we TRUST Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers LOVE is the Ultimate Weapon that can Destroy the Spirit of FEAR because PERFECT LOVE Cast Out FEAR.  Spiritual believers God Abba Father Yahweh is PERFECT LOVE.  Spiritual believers most people think that the opposite to LOVE is HATE, but that is not correct the Opposite to LOVE is FEAR.  And the Spirit of FEAR is what cause people to HATE.

Spiritual believers to be FEARLESS we are to WALK in LOVE.  Spiritual believers PERFECT LOVE will draw us to the WORD of GOD and the WORD of GOD will draw us to FAITH and FAITH will draw us to the GRACE of God and the Supernatural POWER of GOD which will enable us to Defeat the Spirit of FEAR,  Spiritual believers to be FEARLESS we must limit the input of the FEARFUL Messages of this World System and Increase the Messages of FAITH.

Spiritual believers the First Words out of Adam and Eve's mouth after they disobeyed the Father were "We Were Afraid".  Adam and Eve went from FEARLESS to FEARFUL and lost the Garden of Eden.

Spiritual believers 12 spies went to the Promise Land they all saw the same things but they all did not believe the same things.  Spiritual believers 10 spies had the Spirit of FEAR and 2 spies Joshua as well as Caleb had the Spirit of FAITH.  The 10 spies infected over 2 Million people with the Spirit of FEAR and cost those people the Promise Land,  Only Joshua, Caleb their families and the children of the FEARFUL were permitted to enter the PROMISE LAND.  Over 2 Million people died in the Wilderness.  Spiritual believers being FEARFUL can cost you your Destiny.

Spiritual believers Believe and TRUST Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh BE FEARLESS

Roman 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The Power of Praise!

Image result for giving thanks pictures
Remember There Is Power In A Thank You
Spiritual believers, please pray that your heart is good ground so that you may receive this revelation. Spiritual believers, if you wish for me to come to a group meeting to explain this further please leave your contact information and your request on my answering phone(816) 678-6838 USA Tallahassee, Florida).

Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00  for shipping within the United States of America.  If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.  Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.

Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
 Dr. Edith Davis
 P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. 

Where have I been?

 Hello Everyone,
Please celebrate with me my new book "How We Really Learn:  The Micro-Spiral Methodology"  Many of you were instrumental in helping me write this major work of my life.  And many of you have been acknowledged in my book.  I have now over 10 years of work proving that the Micro-Spiral Methodology does increase science achievement in students based on Dr. Hilda Taba's Spiral Curriculum work.  As a matter of fact, it increases achievement in any subject matter.
Dr. Caroline Leaf of South Africa, a rising star in neuroscience has endorsed my book.  My book can be found on the link below.  Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Here is the bookstore page link for you. 

Thanks To Each And Everyone One of You.
Dr. Edith G. Davis (Edith)
Today Is Resurrection Tuesday For Me

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis