Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Spiritual Believer and A Secret About INCREASE In Money and Every Good Thing

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Secret About INCREASE In Money and Every Good Thing

Co-Editors In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson
and Marianne Hernandez 

Dear Spiritual Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual Believers, the Holy Spirit would like to reveal to you A Secret About INCREASE In Money and Every Good Thing.  I have been meditating on JESUS Multiplying the Two Fish and Five Loaves of Bread as well as Elisha's Widow's Oil Miracle.  The Holy Spirit revealed A Secret about how to INCREASE, how to MULTIPLE Money and Every Good Thing Supernaturally.  Spiritual believers,  we are to Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and ALL Things will be added unto us.

Spiritual Believers,  our Lord Christ Jesus came to this Earth to show us How to Walk in the Supernatural on this Earth, therefore everything Jesus did on this Earth had valuable
information enabling us to Walk in the Supernatural Power of God.  The Holy Spirit showed me that before the Supernatural Increase of the two fish and five loaves of bread were given to over 5,000 men, women and children, they all had been under the Word of God for 3 days.  The next thing the Holy Spirit showed me was that JESUS had Compassion on the Multitudes and asked Phillip, " Where shall we buy bread for these People to eat?" Jesus  asked this only to TEST Phillip, because Jesus already knew what He was about to do.

Phillip answered Jesus, "It would take more than half a year's wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite."  Phillip failed the Test because he looked at their Finances and saw it as not enough.

Andrew took the TEST next and found a young boy with five small barley loaves of bread and two small fish, then Andrew said "But how far will the bread and fish go among so many?"  Andrew failed the Test because he looked at the Need and saw the Need to be Bigger than God.

The Holy Spirit showed me that Jesus response to the disciples was to tell them "You Feed Them".  The disciples had already seen Jesus change Water into Wine as well as other Miracles. 

The Holy Spirit showed me that the next thing Jesus did before performing the Miracle was that the people were placed in a position of REST.  The people were Totally Dependent on Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh to Feed Them.  Jesus then showed the disciples how you receive Supernatural INCREASEJESUS took the bread and the fish Lifted it Up to the Father in Heaven than instead of Cursing the Provision He Blessed IT giving Thanks for IT.  Then the Supernatural Manifestation took over and the Provision was distributed to the over 5000 men, women as well as children.  They ate until they were Satisfied.

The Holy Spirit then showed me the Widow woman telling Elisha that if she did not come up with the Money to pay her husband's debts her two sons would be taken as Slaves to pay off the debt. Elisha redirected her Dependence back to God Abba Father Yahweh and not on him.  Elisha asked her what did she have of value in her home?  She responded just a little precious oil.  Elisha received instruction from Abba Father Yahweh and instructed her to go get as many empty vessels as possible than bring them into her house shut the door then begin pouring the little oil into the empty vessels. 

The Supernatural Increase began and every empty vessel was filled to the brim until there were no more empty vessels to fill.  The Widow took the oil sold it paid off the debt and with the left over Money lived off of it with her sons for the rest of their lives.

So how does this help us to walk in the Supernatural Increase?  I began by looking at my Finances and realized I had been looking at it as not enough to meet the needs of my family,as well as looking at my debts being Bigger than Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh. I now look at my Finances as being more than enough when it is mixed with FAITH in God's Word about my Finances. Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh says I have the Riches and Wealth of Christ Jesus.  Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh says Debt Canceled in the Name of Jesus, there is nothing impossible in and through Christ Jesus.

Spiritual believers, I lifted up my Finances and gave Thanks as well as Praise for the Supernatural Increase.  I have seen Supernatural Increase.  When you look at what God has given you and believe in your heart that it is not enough you are Cursing your Finances.  Spiritual believers, keep your Focus on Jesus and not your Problems.  Spiritual believers find a Promise of God to Fix the Problem and Concentrate on your Promise from Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh instead of the Problem and you will see Supernatural Increase.

Spiritual believers, again I say Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and ALL Things will be Added unto YouSpiritual believers, Bless All that You have and See Supernatural Increase.

Roman 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The Power of Praise!

Image result for giving thanks pictures
Remember There Is Power In A Thank You
Spiritual believers, please pray that your heart is good ground so that you may receive this revelation. Spiritual believers, if you wish for me to come to a group meeting to explain this further please leave your contact information and your request on my answering phone(816) 678-6838 USA Tallahassee, Florida).

Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00  for shipping within the United States of America.  If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.  Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.

Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
 Dr. Edith Davis
 P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. 

Where have I been?

 Hello Everyone,
Please celebrate with me my new book "How We Really Learn:  The Micro-Spiral Methodology"  Many of you were instrumental in helping me write this major work of my life.  And many of you have been acknowledged in my book.  I have now over 10 years of work proving that the Micro-Spiral Methodology does increase science achievement in students based on Dr. Hilda Taba's Spiral Curriculum work.  As a matter of fact, it increases achievement in any subject matter.
Dr. Caroline Leaf of South Africa, a rising star in neuroscience has endorsed my book.  My book can be found on the link below.  Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Here is the bookstore page link for you. 

Thanks To Each And Everyone One of You.
Dr. Edith G. Davis (Edith)
Today Is Resurrection  For Me Wednesday

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Spiritual Believers and A Secret About JESUS

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A Secret About JESUS
 Co-Editors In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson
and Marianne Hernandez 

Dear Spiritual Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual Believers, the Holy Spirit would like to reveal to you A Secret About JESUS. Spiritual believers JESUS is the Second part of the God Head.  JESUS is the Word of God and Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh places HIS WORD above HIS Holy Name.
Spiritual believers every knee shall bow to King JESUS, every tongue shall confess that He is Lord of ALL.  JESUS sits at the right hand of His Father and Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh will make every enemy of King JESUS to become JESUS' Foot Stool.

Spiritual believers God's Thoughts are Higher than our thoughts.  Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Ways are Higher than our ways. The God Head Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Jesus the Christ, and Lord God Holy Spirit came up with the Master Plan to restore the Authority and Dominion of the Earth back to Mankind. Spiritual Believers it would take a Blood Sacrifice from God HIMSELFElohim sent the Second Part of the God Head to come to Earth and take on the body of an Earthen Vessel, because only those spirits that posses an Earthen Vessel can have Authority and Dominion on this Earth.

So JESUS came to planet Earth through the body of a Virgin called Mary.  The blood type is decided by the Father of the Child not the Mother therefore JESUS' Blood was from Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh and Lord God Holy Spirit.  Spiritual believers ONE Drop of God's Blood can Redeem ALL of Mankind if they Believe and Receive the FREE Gift of the Blood of Christ JESUS for the forgiveness of their SINS.

When JESUS came to this Earth He did not choose to be born into a Wealthy Family.  He did not choose to be born in a Palace instead He choose to be born in a dirty, smelly stable in Bethlehem.  He choose to be born into a poor family from a town called Nazareth.  A saying about Nazareth was that "Could anything good come from Nazareth".  WHY?  God had not experienced the accurse state of the Earth because in Heaven their is no Sickness, no Disease, no Lack, no Poverty, no Evil of any kind.

JESUS came to experience Family Life. JESUS came to have a Mother, a Step Father, Brothers and Sisters. JESUS was a Refugee.  His family had to flee to Egypt after the Mascara at Bethlehem.  Jesus was an Outcast and had heard people whispering about him and his mother Mary.  JESUS submitted himself under the leadership of His parents until the Abba Father Yahweh sent Him to complete His Mission to save the World.

JESUS was a Rebel.  He came to Serve and not to BE Served.  JESUS did not surround Himself with the wealthy, the privileged people of His Time.  He surround Himself with common men and women.  He surround Himself with people with Shady pasts.
JESUS came to Show Mankind the True Father.  JESUS came to Show Mankind how to have Heaven on Earth

Spiritual believers JESUS came to DIE for us ALL and take all of our SINS, Sickness, Diseases, Lack, Poverty as well as every Evil Curse on this Earth.  JESUS came to give us ALL Eternal Life with Him, the LORD God Abba Father Yahweh and the Lord God Holy Spirit.  JESUS came and canceled out the Evil Plans of satan to Steal, Kill, and Destroy us.

JESUS came to introduce us to the Father who Loved us so much that HE sent Him.  What is Amazing is Lord God JESUS could have had a different life experience on this Earth but He Choose the Life that we read about in the Bible.  WHY?  In Heaven JESUS is Lord of All.  JESUS is Served by Heavenly Angeles Night and Day.  JESUS is showered with LOVE and Adoration by the Saints, the Angeles, Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh, and Lord God Holy Spirit.  JESUS sits at the Right Hand of His Father as He wait for His Father to make every enemy including Death Itself His Foot Stool.

The Secret is this JESUS came down from His Throne in Heaven to Earth.  JESUS came down to the Womb of a lowly Virgin call Mary.  JESUS came down to a Stable to be Born.
JESUS came down to become a Refugee in Egypt. JESUS came to grow up in a lowly town called Nazareth.  JESUS came down to the Jordan River to be Baptized by His cousin John the Baptist. JESUS came down to the to the Sea of Galilee to pick lowly fishermen to be His Disciples.  JESUS came down to the Golgotha to be Crucified on a lowly Cross for our Sins.  JESUS came down to the Hell in Punishment for our SINS.  And on the Third Day He Arose Again freeing us forever from the Penalties of SIN and DEATH.

JESUS God of the Universe voluntarily Humbled Himself to the WILL of His Abba Father Yahweh.  Therefore JESUS name was placed ABOVE Every Name .  JESUS was LIFTED UP and Sits at the Right Hand of the Father. Abba Father Yahweh has placed All Things under the Feet of JESUS.  And Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh will Personally Make JESUS enemies JESUS' Foot Stool.  All Power, All Authority was given to JESUS and JESUS gave this Power as well as Authority to His Bride the Church.  The Church is Me and You

So if Lord God JESUS came from Heaven and Choose Family, Relationships, and Serving the Father than these should be our priorities as well.

Spiritual believers choose the Things that JESUS chose and it will be Well with our Souls

Spiritual believers let us continue to Pray for our Country and our Leadership.  And God Bless America.
Roman 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The Power of Praise!

Image result for giving thanks pictures
Remember There Is Power In A Thank You
Spiritual believers, please pray that your heart is good ground so that you may receive this revelation. Spiritual believers, if you wish for me to come to a group meeting to explain this further please leave your contact information and your request on my answering phone(816) 678-6838 USA Tallahassee, Florida).

Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00  for shipping within the United States of America.  If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.  Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.

Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
 Dr. Edith Davis
 P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. 

Where have I been?

 Hello Everyone,
Please celebrate with me my new book "How We Really Learn:  The Micro-Spiral Methodology"  Many of you were instrumental in helping me write this major work of my life.  And many of you have been acknowledged in my book.  I have now over 10 years of work proving that the Micro-Spiral Methodology does increase science achievement in students based on Dr. Hilda Taba's Spiral Curriculum work.  As a matter of fact, it increases achievement in any subject matter.
Dr. Caroline Leaf of South Africa, a rising star in neuroscience has endorsed my book.  My book can be found on the link below.  Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Here is the bookstore page link for you. 

Thanks To Each And Everyone One of You.
Dr. Edith G. Davis (Edith)
Today Is Resurrection Tuesday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Spiritual Believers and A Secret About the USA Presidential Election

Image result for The Kingdom of God
Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God
Co-Editors In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson
and Marianne Hernandez 

Dear Spiritual Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual Believers, the Holy Spirit would like to reveal to you the Secret about USA Presidential Election. Spiritual believers the World does not understand what happen in the USA's Election.  Spiritual believers what has happen is a sleeping Giant called the Church, the Body of Christ Jesus, the Bride of Christ Jesus has been Awaken.  Spiritual believers it is Estimated that 90 million Christian voters were activated by the issues of this Election.

Spiritual believers many people voted for the Platform of the Republican Party and against the Platform of the Democrat Party.  Spiritual believers what the World does not understand is that those who call Christ Jesus their Lord and Savior submits themselves under the Holy Word of God.  Spiritual believers Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh Places HIS Holy Word Above HIS Name.  Spiritual believers All things and I mean All things will work together for the Good of those who Love God and HIS Holy Word.

Spiritual believers Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh is a God of Love, Grace and Mercy, Abba Father Yahweh does not operate in Hate, Fear, Racism, Sexism, Murder, Stealing, Killing or any Evil Practiced on this Earth.  Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh is a God of Unity not Division.  God Abba Father Yahweh sent His Only Begotten Son Christ Jesus to Save the World form the Power of Sin and Death.

Spiritual believers God Abba Father Yahweh came so that we would have the Abundant Life. A Life where there is no Sickness nor Disease.  A Life where there is no Lack nor Poverty.  Spiritual believers Christ Jesus came so that as it is in Heaven it would be on this Earth.  All we have to do is Believe It and Receive It.

Spiritual believers Jesus spent a good part of His Ministry coming against Racism and Sexism.  Jesus told the story about the Good Samaritan, the Samaritan Woman at the Well, and the 10th Leper, who was a Samaritan and came back to give Him Thanks as well as Praise.  Spiritual believers Mary Magdalene was also a trusted Disciple of Christ Jesus.  Spiritual believers God used Women throughout History to make Strategic moves for the Kingdom of God such as Sarah, Queen Esther, Jael, DeborahAbigailNaomi, Ruth, Rachel, Mary the Mother of Christ Jesus, Mother Teresa, Sojourner Truth, and Mary Cloud Bethune.

Spiritual believers if you belong to Christ Jesus you do not walk in Racism, Sexism, or Hatred. We have now elected our new President and we are to Pray for him and his family.  We should pray that Christ Jesus touch our new President in a special way.  We are to pray that he will be surrounded by Wise Men and Women of God.  Men and Women who are like Daniel, Joseph, and Queen Esther.

Spiritual believers remember we are not of this World that we are from the Kingdom of God and we are commissioned to give the Good News that Christ Jesus Died for your Sins so that you can now spend Eternity with Him and the Father.  Christ Jesus Died so that you will have a Blessed Life.  Spiritual believers remember God Abba Father Yahweh looks at our Hearts our Motives and our Motives need to be in Alignment with HIS Will for United States of America as well as the World.

Spiritual believers we are to Focus on our Assignments given to us by the Lord God Holy Spirit.  We are to Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and HIS Righteousness and All other things shall be added to us.

Spiritual believers let us continue to Pray for our Country and our Leadership.  And God Bless America. 
Roman 10:9

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

The Power of Praise!

Image result for giving thanks pictures
Remember There Is Power In A Thank You
Spiritual believers, please pray that your heart is good ground so that you may receive this revelation. Spiritual believers, if you wish for me to come to a group meeting to explain this further please leave your contact information and your request on my answering phone(816) 678-6838 USA Tallahassee, Florida).

Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00  for shipping within the United States of America.  If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.  Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.

Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
 Dr. Edith Davis
 P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. 

Where have I been?

 Hello Everyone,
Please celebrate with me my new book "How We Really Learn:  The Micro-Spiral Methodology"  Many of you were instrumental in helping me write this major work of my life.  And many of you have been acknowledged in my book.  I have now over 10 years of work proving that the Micro-Spiral Methodology does increase science achievement in students based on Dr. Hilda Taba's Spiral Curriculum work.  As a matter of fact, it increases achievement in any subject matter.
Dr. Caroline Leaf of South Africa, a rising star in neuroscience has endorsed my book.  My book can be found on the link below.  Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Here is the bookstore page link for you. 

Thanks To Each And Everyone One of You.
Dr. Edith G. Davis (Edith)

Today Is Resurrection Wednesday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis