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Co-Editors In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson
and Marianne Hernandez
Dear Spiritual Believers In Jesus the Christ,
Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like to reveal to you A SECRET About HOW MIRACLE WORKING POWER WORKS FOR REAL. Spiritual believers the First thing you should know is that you have the Authority and Power of God. And you are responsible for bringing HEAVEN to EARTH. Second you should know that this is not your POWER but God's POWER and HE will not let you use HIS POWER for Evil. Third you should know the Spiritual LAWS by which this Authority and Power Operates. And Fourth you must understand the correct definition of HUMILITY and then walk in IT, because Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh is Close to the Humble but HE Resist the Proud.
Spiritual believers since I last communicated with you Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh has been downloading Spiritual Revelations to me. I would like to share a few that will benefit you immediately. First you have the AUTHORITY and POWER to Stop Every Evil Work that is in your life right NOW. You also have the AUTHORITY and POWER to command Every Good also Perfect Work to enter your life as well as your children's lives.
Spiritual believers in order for the Authority and Power to operate in your life you must believe in your Spiritual Heart and Speak it out of your Mouth. Spiritual believers once you SPEAK IT than you must follow up with Thanksgiving and Praise. The Thanksgiving and Praise will Fortify your FAITH and Increase your Authority as well as Power. The Manifestation of your Miracle is on It's way. You must Protect your Words of Faith and do not speak against it or let anyone else speak against it.
Spiritual believers you must understand the Spiritual Law of FAITH, LOVE, PEACE, and GRACE. Spiritual believers you must operate in LOVE at all times. You must not be Offended or walk in Un-Forgiveness. Spiritual believers not walking in Love and being Offended as well as not Forgiving those who hurt you will cancel out your Authority and Power in the Earth. Spiritual believers What Every You SAY You Can Have IT.
Spiritual believers you must understand that PEACE with everyone must be maintained in order to Operate in God's Authority and Power. You must learn to keep your Spirit and Soul at PEACE even when there is Chaos all around you just like Jesus did on the boat while sleeping. Spiritual believers the disciples were all in Fear because of the Violent Storm, but Jesus did not let their anxiety enter HIM or He would not have been able to speak to the Storm and tell the Wind and the Waves PEACE be Still. What Violent Storms are in your life? I had an opportunity to practiced this Spiritual Law and It Works.
Spiritual believers you must pass the Joseph Test which is when you are in a position of Power you will never use your POWER to hurt someone that has hurt you. You must know the Spiritual Law of Humility. Spiritual believers Humility is not what the World has taught us. Humility is total Dependence on Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Jesus the Christ, and Lord God Holy Spirit. Spiritual believers most people think that Pride is just puffing yourself up, but Pride can also be putting yourself down. Pride is when you are focused on Self and not on God.
Spiritual believers when you walk in Pride God will not Support you, but when you walk in Humility God will Support and Elevate you. Spiritual believers God resist the Proud and HIS Presence is with the Humble such as Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King. Spiritual believers this is why Arch Angel Lucifer fell from GRACE and became satan all because of Pride. satan wanted to be God and there is Only One Living and True God Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Jesus the Christ, and Lord God Holy Spirit. Yes this is a Spiritual Mystery ONE God in Three Persons The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Spiritual believers the only Power that satan has to destroy you with and all that you Love is the Authority and Power You Give him so Don't Give him your Power. How do you give satan your POWER? By speaking Evil as well as Negative thoughts over your life and those that you Love. Spiritual believers you must Resist speaking Death over yourself and those you Love. Spiritual believers do not speak Death, Evil and the Negative that you see. Spiritual believers speak what you want to see Life and Goodness. Spiritual believers this is extremely important when you are in a Crises keep your mouth shut and when you do finally speak you are to ONLY SPEAK LIFE.
Spiritual believers REMEMBER once you have Decreed and Declared the Word of God over your situation give almost Non Stop Thanks and Praise until Your Miracle is Manifested. Remember their were 10 lepers that were healed by the Word of God through the Earthen Vessel of Christ Jesus. Spiritual believers All 10 were Healed but only One returned to give THANKS and PRAISE. Spiritual believers that leper was made Whole on top of being Healed. Or in other Words any Parts of his Body that were lost due to leprosy grew back, all the Finances he lost were Restored, all the Relationships he lost were Restored. He was MADE WHOLE everything he lost was Restored back to him.
Spiritual believers what have you Lost that you wish to be RESTORED just give IT to King Jesus and give HIM Thanks and Praise for whatever you have Lost and HE will RESTORE IT. Have you Lost a Marriage HE will Restore It. Have you Lost a Child HE will Restore Them. Have you Lost a Home HE will Restore It. Have you Lost a Job HE will Restore It. Have you Lost Finances HE will Restore It. Anything that satan has Stolen from you JESUS CAN RESTORE IT.
Spiritual believers here is another Secret Mystery King Jesus has already RESTORED Everything back to you All you have to do is BELIEVE IT and RECEIVE IT.
Roman 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Spiritual believers since I last communicated with you Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh has been downloading Spiritual Revelations to me. I would like to share a few that will benefit you immediately. First you have the AUTHORITY and POWER to Stop Every Evil Work that is in your life right NOW. You also have the AUTHORITY and POWER to command Every Good also Perfect Work to enter your life as well as your children's lives.
Spiritual believers in order for the Authority and Power to operate in your life you must believe in your Spiritual Heart and Speak it out of your Mouth. Spiritual believers once you SPEAK IT than you must follow up with Thanksgiving and Praise. The Thanksgiving and Praise will Fortify your FAITH and Increase your Authority as well as Power. The Manifestation of your Miracle is on It's way. You must Protect your Words of Faith and do not speak against it or let anyone else speak against it.
Spiritual believers you must understand the Spiritual Law of FAITH, LOVE, PEACE, and GRACE. Spiritual believers you must operate in LOVE at all times. You must not be Offended or walk in Un-Forgiveness. Spiritual believers not walking in Love and being Offended as well as not Forgiving those who hurt you will cancel out your Authority and Power in the Earth. Spiritual believers What Every You SAY You Can Have IT.
Spiritual believers you must understand that PEACE with everyone must be maintained in order to Operate in God's Authority and Power. You must learn to keep your Spirit and Soul at PEACE even when there is Chaos all around you just like Jesus did on the boat while sleeping. Spiritual believers the disciples were all in Fear because of the Violent Storm, but Jesus did not let their anxiety enter HIM or He would not have been able to speak to the Storm and tell the Wind and the Waves PEACE be Still. What Violent Storms are in your life? I had an opportunity to practiced this Spiritual Law and It Works.
Spiritual believers you must pass the Joseph Test which is when you are in a position of Power you will never use your POWER to hurt someone that has hurt you. You must know the Spiritual Law of Humility. Spiritual believers Humility is not what the World has taught us. Humility is total Dependence on Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Jesus the Christ, and Lord God Holy Spirit. Spiritual believers most people think that Pride is just puffing yourself up, but Pride can also be putting yourself down. Pride is when you are focused on Self and not on God.
Spiritual believers when you walk in Pride God will not Support you, but when you walk in Humility God will Support and Elevate you. Spiritual believers God resist the Proud and HIS Presence is with the Humble such as Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King. Spiritual believers this is why Arch Angel Lucifer fell from GRACE and became satan all because of Pride. satan wanted to be God and there is Only One Living and True God Daddy God Abba Father Yahweh, Lord God Jesus the Christ, and Lord God Holy Spirit. Yes this is a Spiritual Mystery ONE God in Three Persons The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
Spiritual believers the only Power that satan has to destroy you with and all that you Love is the Authority and Power You Give him so Don't Give him your Power. How do you give satan your POWER? By speaking Evil as well as Negative thoughts over your life and those that you Love. Spiritual believers you must Resist speaking Death over yourself and those you Love. Spiritual believers do not speak Death, Evil and the Negative that you see. Spiritual believers speak what you want to see Life and Goodness. Spiritual believers this is extremely important when you are in a Crises keep your mouth shut and when you do finally speak you are to ONLY SPEAK LIFE.
Spiritual believers REMEMBER once you have Decreed and Declared the Word of God over your situation give almost Non Stop Thanks and Praise until Your Miracle is Manifested. Remember their were 10 lepers that were healed by the Word of God through the Earthen Vessel of Christ Jesus. Spiritual believers All 10 were Healed but only One returned to give THANKS and PRAISE. Spiritual believers that leper was made Whole on top of being Healed. Or in other Words any Parts of his Body that were lost due to leprosy grew back, all the Finances he lost were Restored, all the Relationships he lost were Restored. He was MADE WHOLE everything he lost was Restored back to him.
Spiritual believers what have you Lost that you wish to be RESTORED just give IT to King Jesus and give HIM Thanks and Praise for whatever you have Lost and HE will RESTORE IT. Have you Lost a Marriage HE will Restore It. Have you Lost a Child HE will Restore Them. Have you Lost a Home HE will Restore It. Have you Lost a Job HE will Restore It. Have you Lost Finances HE will Restore It. Anything that satan has Stolen from you JESUS CAN RESTORE IT.
Spiritual believers here is another Secret Mystery King Jesus has already RESTORED Everything back to you All you have to do is BELIEVE IT and RECEIVE IT.
Roman 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Where have I been?
Hello Everyone,
Please celebrate with me my new book "How We Really Learn: The Micro-Spiral Methodology" Many of you were instrumental in helping me write this major work of my life. And many of you have been acknowledged in my book. I have now over 10 years of work proving that the Micro-Spiral Methodology does increase science achievement in students based on Dr. Hilda Taba's Spiral Curriculum work. As a matter of fact, it increases achievement in any subject matter.
Dr. Caroline Leaf of South Africa, a rising star in neuroscience has endorsed my book. My book can be found on the link below. Please feel free to share your thoughts.
Here is the bookstore page link for you.
Thanks To Each And Everyone One of You.
Dr. Edith G. Davis (Edith)
From: Chyrlene Cebuano <chyrlene.cebuano@ tatepublishing.net>
Date: Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 4:23 PM
Subject: Tate Publishing
Hello, Edith
Here is the bookstore page link for you.
Chyrlene Rose Cebuano
Tate Publishing & Enterprises
127 East Trade Center Terrace
Mustang, OK 73064
The Power of Praise!
Remember There Is Power In A Thank You |
Spiritual believers if you would like to receive a CD of the teachings please send $10.00 plus $5.00 for shipping within the United States of America. If you are outside the United States please contact me and we will tell you what it would cost to ship to your country.
Spiritual believers if you can not afford the CD please notify me and we will send you the CD free of charge.
Please send all inquiries to Dr. Edith Davis
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314
I obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
Dr. Edith G. Davis
Enter the Glory Zone
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275
Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.
Today Is Resurrection Saturday For Me.
Your Sister In Christ Jesus,
Dr. Edith G. Davis