Friday, April 29, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and Deception

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Deception. Spiritual believers Deception is one of the main weapons our enemy satan, aka the devil uses against us. Spiritual believers Deception is most effective when it comes from someone we love and trust. Spiritual believers Deception is most effective when it is targeted in an area of weakness.

Spiritual believers we must remember that satan never plays fair. Spiritual believers you must remember that he hates all of mankind because we took the affection that Abba Father Yahweh once had for him. Spiritual believers we must remember that Deception goal is to keep you from the Truth and doing the things that Abba Father Yahweh has commanded you to do.

Spiritual believers the only way to overcome Deception is to keep your mind renewed with the Word of the Living God Abba Father Yahweh. Spiritual believers the only way to overcome Deception is to keep your heart clean and pure so that you may hear the voice of the Lord Holy Spirit. Spiritual believers the only way to overcome Deception is be like our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ by doing only the Will of the Father, Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers when Peter came to Jesus and said something contray to the WORD of Abba Father Yahweh; Jesus the Christ quickly shut him down and said get behind me satan. Spiritual believers Jesus immediately knew that this was not Peter speaking but satan speaking through Peter. Spiritual believers satan had to entered Peter someone close to Jesus, someone Jesus loved, Jesus had chosen Peter to be the head of His Holy Church. Why because satan wanted to derail Jesus from the Mission, the Purpose that Abba Father Yahweh had given Him.

Spiritual believers just think how all of our lives would have been different if Eve had said to the serpent in the Garden of Eden get behind me satan. Spiritual believers just think how different our lives would be if Adam had said to Eve when she brought the forbidden fruit to him get behind me satan.

Spiritual believers just think how much different our lives would be if we would say when those we love and trust came to us filled with Deception from or mortal enemy satan get behind me satan. Spiritual believers we could experience Paradise on Earth if we would not let the enemy satan deceive us.

Spiritual believers we must ask the Holy Spirit to gives us eyes to see the Deception in our lives. As well as the ears to hear the Deception in our lives. Spiritual believers we must fast and pray so that we are not deceived by the enemy from this day forward.

Spiritual believers do not be Deceived by our enemy satan ask for Revelation Knowledge and Understanding from the Lord Holy Spirit in Jesus the Christ name Amen. Spiritual believers I touch and agree with each and everyone of you in the name of Jesus the Christ that we all will no longer be deceived by our enemy satan.

Spiritual believers may we all walk in the Abundant Life that Jesus our Christ, our Lord Holy Spirit and our LORD Abba Father Yahweh has for us this day by not being Deceived.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings.

Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:

Dr. Edith G. Davis
Enter the Glory Zone
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Friday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and Kingdom Business

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Kingdom Business. Spiritual believers the most important work we have on this Earth is Kingdom Business and those who take care of Kingdom Business for Abba Father Yahweh receive special Rewards and Blessings.

Spiritual believers the World will tell you look out for number 1 or make sure you take care of yourself. However, Abba Father Yahweh has another spiritual principal that overrides the World's point of view. Abba Father Yahweh says "you take care of MY BUSINESS and I will take care of your business." Spiritual believers no one and nothing can take care of your business like the One and Only True Living God Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers if we could take care of our business we would not be in so much trouble all the time. Spiritual believers we have all made messes of our lives in one way or another. Spiritual believers we always come out ahead when Abba Father Yahweh takes care of our business.

Spiritual believers many are called, but few are chosen. Spiritual believers the few that are chosen are the people of God who take care of Abba Father Yahweh's Business. Spiritual believers one of the first line of business for the people of God is our relationships.

Spiritual believers Abba Father Yahweh wants us to handle all of our relationships in a Godly manner. Spiritual believers we are even commanded to love our enemies, to pray for those who treacherously deal with us. Spiritual believers our first relationship is with our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, the Lord Holy Spirit, and the LORD Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers we are to handle our relationship with ourselves in a Godly manner. Spiritual believers we are to have a Healthy and Godly thought life. Spiritual believers we are to Eat properly and Exercise for our bodies are the temple of the Lord Holy Spirit.

Spiritual believers we are to handle our family and friends in a Godly manner. Spiritual believers we are to handle our enemies in a Godly manner. Spiritual believers ALL of our relationships on planet earth should be handle in a Godly manner.

Spiritual believers we are to handle our work, our jobs in a Godly manner. Spiritual believers we are to handle ALL Things in a Godly manner.

Spiritual believers when we handle ALL THINGS in a Godly manner we are taking care of Kingdom Business. Spiritual believers handle your Kingdom Business and Abba Father Yahweh will handle your business.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings.

Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:

Dr. Edith G. Davis
Enter the Glory Zone
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Thursday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Spiritual Believer Recongizing, Thanksgiving, Honor, Favor, & Increase

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Recognizing, Thanksgiving, Honor, Favor, & Increase. Spiritual believers Abba Father Yahweh has a process for receiving HIS Choicest Blessings and that is Recognizing, Thanksgiving, Honor, Favor, & Increase.

Spiritual believers we must understand this process if we want to receive the Choicest Blessings from the One and Only Living True God Abba Father Yahweh. Spiritual believers the process works like this:

Step One: You Recognize All Things that Abba Father Does for you. Spiritual believers you recognize even the little things like a extra close parking space, or favor in the check out line, or someone letting you pass them while driving.

Step Two: You Give Thanks For All Things. Yes, even what you perceive as Bad Things you Give Abba Father Yahweh Thanks in the Mist of Trial.

Step Three: You Give Abba Father Yahweh, Our Lord Jesus the Christ, and Our Lord Holy Spirit Honor in All Things. Yes, you Honor the LORD Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus the Christ, and the Lord Holy Spirit in your Thoughts, in your Words, and in your Deeds. Spiritual believers what you Honor is what is drawn to you and what you dishonor is repelled by you.

Step Four: You Will Receive Favor of Abba Father Yahweh because when you Honor God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit the Favor of Abba Father comes to you. Spiritual believers the Favor of Abba Father Yahweh is more precious than Gold.

Step Five: You Will Receive Increase in the areas that you Recognize, give Thanks for, give Honor to, receive Favor for.

Spiritual believers now you understand why you are Blessed in some areas and not in others. You are Blessed in the areas that you Recognize the Hand of the Living God Abba Father Yahweh. You are Blessed in the areas that you Give Thanks to the Living God Abba Father Yahweh. You are Blessed in the areas that you Give Honor to the Living God Abba Father Yahweh. You are Blessed in the areas that you have received the Favor of the Living God Abba Father Yahweh. And you are Blessed in the areas that you have received Increased from the Living God Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers now you understand why you are Not Blessed in some areas. You are Not Blessed in the areas that you Do not Recognize the Hand of the Living God Abba Father Yahweh. You are Not Blessed in the areas that you Do not Give Thanks to the Living God Abba Father Yahweh. You are Not Blessed in the areas that you Do not Honor to the Living God Abba Father Yahweh. You are Not Blessed in the areas that you have not received the Favor from the Living God Abba Father Yahweh. And you are Not Blessed in the areas that you have not received Increased from the Living God Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers Recognize, Give Thanks, Give Honor, Receive Favor, and Receive Increase from the One and Only True Living God Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:

Dr. Edith G. Davis
Enter the Glory Zone
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Tuesday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and Ressurrection Sunday

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Resurrection Sunday. Spiritual believers Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Resurrection and only through Him to the Father Abba Father Yahweh.

Spiritual believers we must understand that we have within us and around us the Resurrection Power of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Spiritual believers because of this Awesome Resurrection Power there is nothing to difficult for us.

Spiritual believers we can do all things through and in Christ Jesus through the Resurrection Power of our Lord Holy Spirit. Spiritual believers we can do the same works as our Lord Jesus the Christ because of this Resurrection Power.

Spiritual believers we can do even greater works than our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ because He sits at the right hand of the Father. Spiritual believers we can do greater works than our Lord Jesus because of the Resurrection Power of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual believers we must never forget that Resurrection Sunday, Easter Sunday is not just about Easter Egg hunts, new dresses, new suits, Easter Baskets or Earth Day. Spiritual believers Resurrection Sunday or Easter is the most Powerful day on plant Earth and we can tap into the Resurrection Power of the Holy Spirit through His only begotten Son our Lord Jesus the Christ.

Spiritual believers walk this day in the Resurrection Power of Jesus the Christ and know that the blessings that Abba Father Yahweh has given us that were killed by sin can be raised back from the dead through the Resurrection Jesus the Christ.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:

Dr. Edith G. Davis
Enter the Glory Zone
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Monday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Spiritual Believer Your Ear Gate Can Determine Your Future

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Your Ear Gate And How It Can Determine Your Future. Spiriutal believers whoever has your Ear has great Influence and Power in your life.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Friday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson For Thursday, April 21, 2011 Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Thursday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Wenesday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Tuesday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson For Monday, April 18, 2011 Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Monday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and Meeting Your Ressurection

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Meeting Your Ressurection. Spiritual believers when you have death in your life you may need to Meet Your Ressurection.

Spiritual believers your Ressurection is Jesus the Christ. Spiritual believers Jesus said he is the Ressurection. Spiritual believers if you want something dead to be brought back to life again such as a Marriage you need to call on the Ressurection.

Spiritual believers Martha cried out to Jesus her Lord, her Savior and said Lord if you had been here my brother Lazarus would not have died. Jesus responded to Martha and said Martha I AM THE RESSURCETION.

Spiritual believers Jesus is the Way. Jesus is the Life, Jesus is the Ressurection. Spiritual believers the way to draw Jesus the Ressurection to you is to HONOR Him.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level.

Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings.

Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:
Dr. Edith G. Davis
Enter the Glory Zone
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Monday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and Honor

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Honor. Spiritual believers Honor is one of the Highest forms of Faith and Worship. Spiritual believers what ever you Honor is draw to you and whatever you Dishonor is repelled by you.

Spiritual believers the Dishonoring of ones spouse is one of the primary weapons satan uses to destroy Marriages. Spiritual believers it can be an unkind word or showing favor to other women in front of your wife or showing favor to another man in front of your husband.

Spiritual believers remeber the Roman Centurion how he Honored Jesus by saying that he was not worthy for Jesus to come to his home all Jesus had to do was speak the Word and his servant would be healed. Spiritual Believers Jesus said this was the Highest form of Faith/ Worship and Jesus was drawn to the Roman Centurion and healed his servant just with His Holy Word.

Spiritual believers remember what you Honor is what is drawn to you and what you Dishonor is what is repelled by you.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:

Dr. Edith G. Davis
Enter the Glory Zone
P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Friday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Thursday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and Dry Bones

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Dry Bones. Spiritual believers we have or are experiencing Dry Bones. Spiriutal beleivers The Lord Holy Spirit has a solution and that is Ezekiel 37: 1-14.

Spiritual believers be Faithful and Believe in the One and Only True God Abba Father Yahweh, our Lord Holy Spirit and our Lord Jesus the Chirst they and Transform our Dry Bones experience so that they can get all the Glory.

Spiritual believers ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through your Dry Bones Experience.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:

Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Saturday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Spiritual Believer The Natural and Spurernatural

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about The Natural versus the Supernatural. Spiritual believers we all know the the Supernatural supersedes the Natural, however we are to do things we must do in the Natural and let Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus the Christ and the Lord Holy Spirit handle the Supernatural.

Spiritual believers we must always be concern about how we conduct ourselves in this world so that we may Glorify the LORD Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus the Christ and the Lord Holy Spirit in all that we think, say and do. Spiritual believers the Supernatural is real and it is all around us.

Spiritual believers we must acknowledge the Lord our God Abba Father Yahweh in all of our ways so that HE can make straight our path. Spiritual believers be Faithful and Love the LORD your God Abba Father Yahweh with all of your heart. Spiritual believers the heart in the Greek means the activity of our mind will and emotions.

Spiritual believers do the things that Abba Father Yahweh has given you to do and HE will do the things HE needs to do for you. Spiritual believers flow in the Supernatural and Love the LORD your God Abba Father Yahweh with all your hearts.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Enter the Glory Zone

P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275.

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Tuesday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Monday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson For Saturday, April 9, 2011 Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Saturday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson For Friday, April 8, 2011 Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Friday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Thursday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Wednesday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Tuesday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ, Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address: Dr. Edith G. Davis Enter the Glory Zone P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275 Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed. Today Is A Resurrection Monday For Me. Your Sister In Christ Jesus, Dr. Edith G. Davis

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Spiritual Believer and Natural versus Supernatural

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about The Natural versus the Supernatural. Spiritual believers we all know the the Supernatural supersedes the Natural, however we are to do things we must do in the Natural and let Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus the Christ and the Lord Holy Spirit handle the Supernatural.

Spiritual believers we must always be concern about how we conduct ourselves in this world so that we may Glorify the LORD Abba Father Yahweh, the Lord Jesus the Christ and the Lord Holy Spirit in all that we think, say and do. Spiritual believers the Supernatural is real and it is all around us.

Spiritual believers we must acknowledge the Lord our God Abba Father Yahweh in all of our ways so that HE can make straight our path. Spiritual believers be Faithful and Love the LORD your God Abba Father Yahweh with all of your heart. Spiritual believers the heart in the Greek means the activity of our mind will and emotions.

Spiritual believers do the things that Abba Father Yahweh has given you to do and HE will do the things HE needs to do for you. Spiritual believers flow in the Supernatural and Love the LORD your God Abba Father Yahweh with all your hearts.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Enter the Glory Zone

P.O. Box 5275 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-5275.

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Saturday For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,

Dr. Edith G. Davis

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Spiritual Believer Death and the Ressurection

Editor In Chief Cathy D. Ferguson

Dear Believers In Jesus the Christ,

Spiritual believers, the Holy Spirit would like for me to reveal to you about Death and the Resurrection. Spiritual believers their is some dead things around you and in you and they must be cut, pruned or resurrected from the dead.

Spiritual believers these dead things or things that are dying are quite painful, however they must be dealt with. Spiritual believers let the Holy Spirit have His Holy way as He Teaches you, Cleanses you, Prunes you and yes Raises your dead things from the dead and transformes them into what Abba Father Yahweh has ordained them to be from the beginning of time.

Spiritual believers ask the Holy Spirit to help you through your times of great trials and tribulations and He will give you His Resurrection Power In Jesus Holy Name Amen.

Spiritual believers, I have obeyed the Father concerning writing the Blog, and now the Holy Spirit is moving me to the next level. Spiritual believers, those of you who read the blog and get your needed Word from Abba Father Yahweh can show your support of HIS Ministry by sending love offerings. Spiritual believers, if you are lead by the Holy Spirit to give to HIS Ministry of Enter the Glory Zone; you can send your check or money order to Dr. Edith G. Davis to the following address:

Dr. Edith G. Davis
Enter the Glory
Zone P.O. Box 5275
Tallahassee, Florida

Spiritual believers, always be moved by the Holy Spirit concerning your Giving. Spiritual believers, never let someone tap your Emotions; always be moved by the Holy Spirit and you will be Blessed.

Today Is A Resurrection Friday
For Me.

Your Sister In Christ Jesus,
Dr. Edith G. Davis